Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Profile

Who am I? self taught artist making a switch into 3d computer art.

Goal: Work in a gaming/video company making 3d models.

Media: Charcoal, pen & ink, caricatures, watercolors, Chinese brush paintings and digital art.

Software: Photoshop, Maya

Subjects: I like people and animals. I do a little of everything and most of my subjects are picked because it was convenient. If i happen to need practice on portraits then I use a mirror and draw myself and if it's still life its whatever that happens to be on my desk and in range.

Classes: I have some formal training in art (College level classes include: art 101, drawing 1,2, and 3).

Contact info: Please leave your contact info and message as a comment to this post. (your information will be kept private as I have comment moderation on).

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