Sunday, October 10, 2010

gone AFK

Gone AFK ah your artist in residence took a workout a few things.  Ther'es a been a few changes

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Okies back from AFK

Hello everyone,
for those of you who follow my blog I have finally tied up my obligations and other distractions and can now begin or resume work on my art. I'm learning multitasking .. but so far no go as I've had to put my art on the backburner while taking care of stuff that had a hard deadline with dire consequences should I mess up.

Anyways I will have exactly 1 month of complete free time which I will devote to my artwork in all its forms as well as work on my projects. Its kind of lame that my brilliant ideas were all last year's and that I've had 12 months but yet no progress.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

so AFKworks may be coming live to nyc : more info later.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

still working on it

while i haven't forgotten my various projects i just havent beeen able to free up time yet

projects 3d model of bleach ichigo mask and modified
comic strip wow and enzi of the runes
20 fish monsters ranging in cutenss and 3 more hero models with males that look like sasuke

Monday, April 20, 2009

.. so i haven't completely forgotten my projects here but hopefully this week i will free up some time to work on comic strip, 2d, 3d art work etc

Thursday, April 2, 2009


i'm still busy with classes and haven't been able to free up time to work on my projects here. So much for multitasking but my ideas are still here.

todo list: draw 10 cute goldfish, then predators, 2 more character head/shouldershots in style of girl 1

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

busy busy .. afk works is on backburner until I get my time management fixed. So far I've not been able to split my time up evenly to work on this project as well as my other stuff.