Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Box Moving Bot

This is a premade figure which i added skeleton and joints and IK handler tools to make it move but again no video. Anyways 5 tries and still not there yet. Right now this bot moves ok but it doesn't bring the box with it or it brings teh box but not where it's suppose to be so fail.

I'll try this again tommorow there has got to be a way to fix it.

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Stick Man Walking

Stick Man animation .. so he takes 2 steps makes a turn and stomps around some more. I'd show you except my fraps video is probably too big to upload to you tube as it keeps timing out. Anyways this guy was premade by the book and the lesson was on animation and how to pivot on a joint.

Software: maya
Lesson: animation
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Friday, July 18, 2008

It's a Bird its a Plane! erm it's a plane

Here's a plane taking off and landing example of path animation on a nurbs curve. Now your techno clutz here still hasn't figured out how to use FrAPSs - live video recording software so in the interest of time and sanity here's another snapshot old fashion styled. Btw I did not build any of this .. it came with the software so I just practiced making it move.

Software: maya
Lesson: Animation on a path of a nurbs curve.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Animate Ballz and Door!

Ok here i made a door that moves up a soon as you move the ball up to the door. It's realy cool you can approach the door any which way but it will move as soon as it gets in range. Now if i can only figure out the making a vid of this for you. So in the mean time here's another poor snapshot

Software: Maya
Lesson: Animation using set keys

Monday, July 14, 2008

Slacker! Animation 1: Table Tennis

Oy whatcha been up to? ok that's my answer.. well .. honestly slacking off. BUT i've been doing some lessons on animations and how to move things around. A few snapshots to prove it the images were provided I think this lesson's point was to show how to use the tools and not so much on how to build the models. My view .. i think i enjoy the building part more than animation but that's just me. Oh and i still haveni

Software: Maya

Friday, July 11, 2008

Monster Hand - NURBS

Ahoy there Matey. This here be hand of Captain Jack Daniels XXX. Ok this is a so so rendering of a hand with Nurbs. At least you can tell that this is a hand and its nails need a manicure. Compare this with my first hand creation.

Software: Maya
Lesson: tutorial 5 Subdivision Surfaces

Compared with my very first attempt at maya 5/30/08

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

7/10/08 Salt Shaker Party!

This is suppose to be a salt shaker .. according to the tutorial it is. This doesn't look anything like my salt shaker lol but then again there are lots of variations in those things.

Softare: Maya
Lesson 3: Lofting curves to create a surface

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"WeeSan" My 1st NURBS sculpture HEAD

Whoa it's a NURBS head! I shall call it "WeeSan" my first lesson on sculpting a NURBS surface. WTF the ears look wacky but .. that's due to me not knowing how to make proper ears and this lesson was mostly about pushing, pulling, modifying NURBS surfaces. The default head was boring so I made some changes. Isn't he cute?

Comment: I've heard that this looks like an Alien or something from the lower hells.

Software: Maya
Lesson: NURBS>Sculpting a NURBS surface

The original! .. so boring I think "Wee San" is better.

Monday, July 7, 2008

EggHolder - NURBS Revolving

This is an egg holder I made this after 5-10x tries. It took me that long to figure out that the Z axis is neither Y (vertical) or X (horizontal), Z axis is the 3rd plane .. clearly color coded blue by the software now why didn't I see this? Now my egg holder actually looks like it can hold stuff inside.

Software: Maya
Lesson: NURBS>Revolving a curve to create a surface