Friday, October 31, 2008

maya nurbs portrait

Software: maya
subject self portrait (using nurbs)
comments: WTF? okies this needs alot of work. but it does sort of look like McCain with it's lumpy jaw.
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Marvel Comic: Speedreader girl with book

format: manga, or anime, comic strip or movie clip with full modeling, animation and storyline.

Storyboard deleted and made private .. it kinda spoils the comic strip if I gave away the entire story upfront. I am working on the technical details on how to set up the comic strip as I have the info written out
Our superhero is a girl with speedreading ability that grants her instant understanding for a short time. X carries an old book which has unlimited pages which X uses as her notebook/spellbook.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

maya: modeling

software: maya 2008
suject chapter 4: modeling

Yea book 3 so this is starting to look familiar. Book: maya 4.5 by john kundert-gibs and peter lee ISP 0782141099. I really like this book it assumes nothing and explains everything in layman words. Note: this book was published in 2003 aka 5 years ago but i like it's way of explaining stuff.

3x5 index card white
pen on paper
subject: nel from bleach
time: 1-2 mins
comments: amazing that this took less than 2 mins ok i admit i made this upside down vs. right side up.
Software: Maya 2008
Subject: Animation: curves, coloring, texture, lighting, stretching, squashing, gravity, and impulse and animation of course.

Comments: Okies i took a 2 week maya break and now i'm back. this was a very simple rocket using curves and resolved shapes the main focus was the animation. I actually had alot of fun watching my own creation.. you know flying a rocket for the first and accidentally crashing it! Wow for the first time maya was actually fun!

I even got to fiddle a little bit with movie making. That i didn't want to get too caught up but i mastered the basics so i could upload stuff as later on i'll be wanting to make mini clips and upload those to youtube. It does look like i need to pickup more movie making skills .. there's no way to shoot an animation w/o it.

My very first animation too! complete with sound track and edits

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Maya Problem - no textures!

New thing learned!! my invisible textures!! 2d extures wouldn't show up .. duh #6 is called turn on textures.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Photoshop Lesson 10: Night Elf Cereal!

Software: Photoshop
Lesson 10: Advanced Layering

Image Sources: blank box from adobe lesson 10, Night Elf screenshot off WOW, strawberries from, and nutrition lable from google.

Comment: Clean up wasn't too good as I was rushing and didn't bother with being careful with where edges were. the elf could use better lighting but this is the max that photoshop can fix. What I really need is a better screenshot to start. * Yes this was all made by me I used a blank "box" and modeled my cereal box off a kellogs frosted flakes. and there's no such brand in the supermarket so dont go looking for it.

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Photoshop Lesson 10: Undercity Air Freshener

Software: Photoshop
Lesson 10: Advanced Layering
Image Sources: Aerosole can with blank lable from, Tristafal city wallpaper from, and a robert frost poem "October"

Comment: this wasn't too hard as all the images were from stock photos or online aka nothing from me except placement. ** inspired by World of Warcraft's Undercity's yucky green glowing sewage ... it must smell in there.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Photoshop Lesson 10

Software: photoshop cs 3
Lesson 10: advanced layeringthis is a cellphone packaging
Comments: I had fun this this lesson lol i think i'll spoof am few boxes just for the hell of it. Hmmm time to think up something weird but fun

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Photoshop_ Lesson 9: text paths

Software: photoshop cs3
Lesson: #9 text on a work path. Note how the text follows the image outline.
Issues: none

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Photoshop Time

Software: photoshop cs3
I learned some editing skills copy, pasting, restoring images. All images are posted in this order (Original Before edits>After my edits) I'm lazy so i'm going to post all my backlogged post in 1 post.

Lesson: 1-8

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Photoshop: Vector Graphics -- Self Portrait

Software: photoshop CS3
Subject: Vector Graphics
Notes: my very first attempt with vector graphics

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Drawing Day 3: Picasso: Portrait of Igor Stavinski (Upside-Down)

Rerference: Drawing on the Rightside of the Brain
Pablo Picasso: portrait of Igor Stavinski (Drawn Upside Down)
Time: probably 1.5 hours i forgot to set the stop watch.
Comment: Pretty good considering my drawing skills have deteriorated to the stick man stage.

My drawing 10/14/08 3:43pm

Picasso's Original: Portrait of Igor Stavinski May 21, 1920
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Drawing day 2: Albert Einstein Upsidedown

Following the lesson plan of "Drawing on the right side of the brain" by Betty Edwards

albert einstein drawn upside down. Fpr veiwing purposes i flipped it to normal side up. Yes upside down so it disconnects the part of your Left brain that recognizes eyes, ears nose etc and assigns symbols to it. I'm shocked. the results were alot better than expected. My drawing vs. original phtograph

Friday, October 10, 2008

drawing day 1

i'm using a book called drawing on the right side of the brain by betty edwards. This is day 1 following the book . Pre-instruction drawings was what i did a record of my skills before the book lessons.

Self portrait, portrait of someone from memory, and drawing my hand

Monday, October 6, 2008

practice drawings

Subject: drawing
Media: charcoal and paper

sigh more practice needed .. first drawing in ages. The picture quality sucks as I've no digital camera. Sigh get skills>job> camera and shopping!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tea Kettle: NURBS

Software: Maya
Subject: original Tea Kettle
Issues: too many to count. but here it your basic tea kettle this one I paid more attention to ti's detail and tried to be true to the original.