Monday, January 26, 2009


Okies back to redoing projects from 1 again.
comic strip - speed reader super hero
maya animation - new addition to bleach shinigami team

Friday, January 23, 2009

2009 Goals

getting back on track ... I'm working on

2 hours of chemistry
1 hour of math
5 hours maya
3 hours photoshop
comic strip (tablet wacom)
1-2 hour gaming
5 hours making $ USD
1 hour socializing

or some combo that is measurable

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

woot nothing accomplished exactly 1 month later .. totally not a good sign. Progress must be measurable otherwise it's garbage.

otherwise I spent this time to prestudy my courses for next semester and wasn't able to do much more. I'm working on time management as the things i want to do and need to do will work if I can get this time athingy right. you know it's as they say everyone has 24 hours in a day and its' what you do with it.

Anyways! that's it for today. oh and it is inauguration day and obama made it through alive. yay!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lost Sketch book

So I lost my sketchbook .. what a bummer its like losing your diary. Luckily I scanned and uploaded those sketches into this blog here. There's a few more scattered in this blog under the lable. sketches