Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Party Work (completed)

Wee I am now a caricature artist! The Holiday Party at the Pediatric Hospital was a big success! The holiday party had 1200 children, there was NYPD on site to do crowd control.

I drew some where between 115-150 caricatures in 4.5 hours . My table was the most popular of all the entertainers I was seated between 10 face painters to my left and 2 origami makers to my right. Luckily this set up worked as these 2 other activities distracted the children while they waited in line for me. Whew that was tiring next time I'm going in with planned breaks and such. I didn't' even have time to drink my water every time I looked up there was like a crowd 15 deep.

At first I didn't get any customers as all the parents made a beeline to santa for presents and a photo but after the first 2-3 people started noticing that there was live caricature drawing so that's when it was very very busy.

My drawing skill it seems does have a limit it will go dry if it's used too much in one sitting. I could literally hear my talent go "Fizzle" and just be like oh hells no I have 2 more hours to go and I can't draw? At some point I was asking myself the question so what's a face but 2 almond shaped things with dots in the middle, a nose and some lips in a smily gesture? I was even thinking that if my former art class drawing 2 professor saw me he'll have died from sheer embarrassment because that's how bad some of my drawing were coming out. So I bluffed it for the rest of the event every now and then I would find a few drops of drawing ability left and those lucky few got professional level caricatures.

I kept thinking hey this must be what a warlock would if he lifetapped all the way down to zero. Man that was one helluva endurance test to be that tired and yet need to continue performing because people were waiting.

Pay: $0,
Lunch: Subways Turkey sandwich and grape soda (free)
Experience: amazing
Feedback: I'd do it again next year.

Things learned:
got over stage fright in 10 mins
learned to draw even faster than ever because the very young ones absolutely could not sit still

Things I need to work on:
more skill .. I am not able to consistantly capture a likeness it really was hit or miss

I woke up late too! 7:30am and needed to do alot of stuff before I was ready to leave. I made a sign for my table using an old caricature of myself as how else are people to know what I'm doing. Then tried to update mywebsite only to realize that my usb hub had died, website making software broke, and that I had forgotten how to edit a website. So my last idea at 9:15am was to just upload my entire directory and crossed my fingers and hope it works. Luckily that worked.

The children were very well behaved, most of the issues I had were keeping track of who was first and what not. Otherwise I didn't really pay much attention to the rest of the room as I was very busy drawing away.

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