Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Books! Hardcopy or Digital

I vote Hardcopy! there's a certain joy in the feel of a book the weight in one's hands, turning of pages, and did i mention no batteries, electricity needed and is world wide adaptable w/o converter plugs.

I dont own any leisurely reading materials unless I'm traveling and a novel is the most reliable entertainment as it requires no batteries or reception. I prefer reading stuff as hard copy and flipping pages. Online or text reading is too hard because by the time I've scrolled down to the right section its time to scroll again. I find that it causes eye strain when my eyes are auto tracking the text as i'm scrolling so I'd have to purposely look away but then how am i to know where I'm scrolling unless i'm looking.

The only reason I use pdf books is because its' free and very portable. Can you imagine how much it would cost to buy all the books that I read? not to mention where would I put all my books. So I only have reference books on my shelves

Game Design
Java Programming
*Leisure reading - light reading/novels

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