Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reading good books and bad ones

Books! I'm a huge fan of books though only of stuff that I like reading.

I will never read a book just because it might impress someone or because its "the fashionable" thing to do. The book will have to appeal to me and be well written and on the subject that I like for me to read it. I overheard coworkers talking about how many months they've been trying to read War and Peace by Tolstoy. Or how they've been meaning to finish reading this dreadfully boring book and that its taking a while. One day I had enough of thier whining so I asked them the obvious question why not pick another book? Thier answer was oh I can't do that I need to finish this. Clearly someone has lost thier marbles ...wouldn't it be nicer to spend the same amount of time enjoying a good book rather than slogging through yet another dry book.

When a book "sucks" its usually a combination of author + reader and so what if a certain author is gifted he or she doesn't fit your reading style so that book is a bad fit. Reading is like dating there's no one reason why that book doesn't work out but that's just the way it is you put it down and move on to the next one.

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