Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Holiday Project: Charity Party for Children

Hi Everyone,

If everything goes according to plan I will be attending a holiday party as an Entertainer! I plan to be volunteering my "Face painting & caricature skills" at a Pediatric Holiday Party for 500 children sponsored by the Metropolitan Hospital. zomg 500? what does that even look like?

I have to admit my face painting skills are iffy at best since prior to this I have never painted on someone's face nor did it occur to me that faces were meant to be painted on. Anyways since this is a great experience to try and its a good deed as well. I made a super fast portfolio on blogger so I have something to show the volunteer director. Please see the pics below I picked some from that speedy portfolio. If they are full on volunteer entertainers I will contact other city owned hospitals / orphanages or shelters and offer my services there. I refuse to believe that I can't get a spot in those?

Oh yea and did I mention that most places are full for volunteering to serve food to the homeless. WTF I'm offering for free and they're full? okies probably everyone else is feeling generous as well so I need to offer something that most people do not have. Art!

Fears: people .. giant crowds, performance anxiety, stage fright Etc_phobia . But yes this is the first step in my quest on self improvement.

Skills: caricature probably as I actually have a few years of drawing experience under my belt. Face painting if I get accepted for that spot will be the most challenging as I'd literally have had less than 7 hours of training on it. That's learning on the fly.

Issues: Who's paying for the paints? how do i keep the stuff clean? how's the drying time on skin, blending on skin vs. paper. Inorder to achieve blending on paper I loaded my brush with 2-3 colors and painted them in quick strokes but with real people's faces I dont think that's going to work first off its going to run as skin is pretty much waterproof. I am thinking of painting thinly and using as little water as possible to speed up drying time and so i can use layers to "blend".

Benefits: Meeting new people, possible network, and a confidence builder. There's no better meter of your training than to have it perform under pressure and less than ideal circumstances.

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