Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ebay is Dead

So an off topic rant on Ebay. I've not used ebay in over a year and recently tried to create a seller account to get rid of some of my practice artworks and maybe pick up a small fan base. 5 tries and it still gives the same error, email thier tech support they take 3 days to give a canned response we're having technical difficulties and are working on it. Live help same thing. ok WTF it does not take 4-6 months to fix stuff. If i took 4 months to fix any problem i'd have been been fired. This sounds alot like they're procrastinating and trying to stall for time until the company folds but in the mean time continue to rake in as many fees as they can.

New sellers unable to register should be a problem because they bring in fees, and more goods BUT i suspect this gibberish is just a fancy "your acct has been infinetely suspended from some unknown transgression as a seller but you can still come spend your monies on us." No thx.

Secure Connection Failed
scgi.express.ebay.com uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for the following names:
giftcertificates.ebay.com , spages.half.ebay.com
(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
Which if i tell my browser to accept the invalid certificate it brings
me to another broken link says, "page not found"

WTF according to google they've been having this problem since May 2008 my email was sent sept 20, 2008. Google reports: Results 1 - 10 of about 206,000 for "seller" "account" "problem" "ebay".


there are more but i dont know them off the top of my head. Really WTF I need to jump through hoops when i'm the client? if it's this hard to try and list something wouldn't i find another way to sell it? you bet i am. ANYWAYS thanks for listening I'm done ranting.

UPDATE! ebay finally fixed their seller account creation problem. 10/18/08 like 6 months after the first postings .. sheesh! i personally filed 3+ tickets on the same issue. not like i'm a super seller but i have a few items that would sell for xmas anyways i just like to know the option is there.

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