Saturday, September 27, 2008

I've been lazy .. Mon-Fri I can't get my act together and get work done. Anyways Friday afternoon it was ZOMG its weekend and I didnt' get anythign done. Then went on a 8 hour work session with Maya. I spent more time getting stuck and redoing than learning but i guess it was a learning experience.

hollow mask I still have only the base drawing and not exactly sure how to shape it in polygons as i needed more vertexs at first ..but now i've too many because it's tedious to move so many dots 1 by 1. Anyways 15 draft files used and still nothing useable. So back to the books for me .. that sounds like I need more learnings.

Today: polygon attempt on ichigo hollow. tommorow will hit the books and try it again with subdivisions and nurbs .. cuz polygon is NOT friendly to poking pushing stuffs.

-kk i'm off .. need to do Math h.w

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