Saturday, September 13, 2008

Completed: Nurbs Red Rocket

Software: Maya 2008
Subject: Red Rocket - Nurbs Modeling

I perfected the nice smooth wheel bump which is a profile curve and lofting.

Issues: (solved) Stitching Nurb Edges -- Maya kept crashing and giving me the Fatal Error. Attempting to save to C://xyx. I tried a few things upgraded video card driver, then created a simple sphere and lofted some surfaces and tried just about every combo out there to stich and see if it crashes or not. It's not like i can skip the stiching tool because to manually move vertexes would be a nightmare.

Solution: upgrade videocard driver. All stuffs being stictched must meet these criteria: all NURBS, curves that is entirely of one type either profile or regular but not a mix. Maybe number of loft span should equal the span amount being stitched.

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