Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Maya Expressions (chapter 12)

so yah i've been slacking off but zomg it was labor day weekend!! who doesn't? ok its an excuse but this part is a bit dry and very confusing. Ok to show you what i mean by dry & confusing

The color red is gotten from this gibberish:
BubblesShape.rgbPP = <<1,0,0>>;

random colors flickering at every 1 second is:
BubblesShape.rgbPP = sphrand(1);

OR perhaps this is to your taste:
Ball.scaleY = time/2 + 1;
Drum.scaleX = time + 1;
Drum.scaleY = time + 1;

Translation: Ball's Y vaules "Length" is equaled to the frame's time divided by 2 plus 1. So at frame 4 this ball will have a length of 3 (frame 4/2+1)as a size. While at the same time Drum's X (width) Drum Y (length) vaules will be equaled to frame time 3 + 1. so 4.

Actually this shorthand of an expression is very efficient why write more than you need to?

Questions: RGB colors? .. eh what numbers = what colors? it would be nice to know. So a sphrand is this math thingy that assigns a random color to each partical .. okies what other math formulas are built in and what do they look like cuz i dont think sphrands alone will cut it.

Upside is that this is chapter 12 out of 13 .. so i know hold basic beginner's knowledge in my head. awesome.. and now to put it to good use. lol hit up the real books now that i got through the pdf tutorial

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