Friday, September 12, 2008

Nurbs Modeling: Red Rocket

Software: Maya 2008
Subject: Nurbs Modeling - Red Rocket
Lesson: Editing nurbs sufrace, project curve on surface, trimp and untrim surfaces, attach surfaces, detach surfaces, insert isoparms.

Issues .. lol like everything. There were a few small discreptancies between the book and what i needed. Ex. Book would say front view while all i had to work with was top and side views or it would say on Y axis and clearly that can't be right. Also there were a few places where the book said use 6 spans in a sphere while i counted thier example and it was more like 16 spans.

Issue #2 i'm still having trouble with the wheel cover .. my curve isn't working so will continue work on the cover but otherwise this is at 95% completion.

Time: 2 days

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